June 19, 2012

Webinars – They’re Everywhere

By Marc Bullard

If you conduct any sort of business research online, I’m sure you’ve come across webinars. Maybe you signed up for some, maybe you haven’t. I know I have. And man, some of them are soooooo long and soooo boring. If you’re going to have me as an attendee to your webinar, please don’t throw some Power Point slides on the screen and start reading them to me verbatim. I can read them myself. But not only that, I want to be educated. The only time I’m on a webinar is to learn something new, so please provide great content. Also, a webinar is not one giant advertisement for you. Attendees will drop out of there before you even finish your first sentence. Remember this simple formula:

1. Great content

2. The pitch

The pitch is when you sell me something, but only after you have given me great content. If you follow that simple formula in that order you are well on your way to a successful webinar.

Now, let’s talk a little bit more about the slides. Slides with some text on them are fine. But slides with multiple paragraphs is way too much. Besides, making slides with that much text takes longer. The best webinar slides contain the main point with a few sub-points. The rest of the information can be mentioned by the presenter. Images can really spice up a webinar too. Don’t forget to save the slides as a .pdf. You can then provide a link to that .pdf for your viewers to print or download to their computers.

The best webinars are the ones that entertain and educate. When people feel they received great information, it’s easier to get them to purchase your product. Here’s an example of our video marketing webinar, YouTube Super Secrets. Notice how a lot of great content is given out before we ever try to sell anything.


Marc Bullard